Friday, April 19, 2013


    If you are reading this it almost certainly means you know me, if you don't know me it clearly indicates you spend way too much time on random corners of the internet. Anyway,why am I doing this? Simply, I really enjoy graphic design. Interesting, unique, and clever logos make me happy. One example of this is football, or soccer, teams' crests because they have such a unique beauty to them. Some are elegantly simple while others are chaoticly complex, but they're all impressive. They often weave years of tradition, layers of meaning, and deep symbolism into an easily recognized and memorable design.
    Sometimes I enjoy dabbling in graphic design in my free time, though I'm terrible at it. After seeing a post on Reddit of a fake NFL team logo someone had made for the Columbia Songbirds, inspired by Bioshock Infinite,I was struck with an idea! I should try and make fake football team crests inspired by video games. After starting a list of teams I could make in my head I was struck by further inspiration. Why limit myself to video games? Why not go full nerd and add in books and movies and whatever else.
    Then came the question of how to inform the one through three people who may be interested in this project and keep them updated. A blog!! That way they could check at their leisure and I wouldn't have to annoy the other twenty odd people who read my tweets or Facebook posts every time I made another abomination of a crest.
    To start off I'm aiming for doing a "league" of twenty teams all inspired by video games. I'll definitely do a crest for each and may later add in uniforms and other fun things, but time is somewhat limited these days so we'll see. I currently have 16 teams in mind, their names mimic teams from a variety of the world's leagues with the EPL, Serie A, Bundesliga, La Liga, and MLS currently being represented. That leaves four or so teams I still need to come up with. If one of my, by this point, two readers has an idea for a team they'd like to see let me know and if it's not on my list I'll add it.        

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